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Bengali short film

JOOM JOOM JOOM - Child Sexual Abuse Awareness

Education video for children. Protect kids from sexual abuse.

Written & directed by Sanjib Nath



 [ Teach your child tUnderstand & React ]

Joom Joom Joom

Joom Joom Joom Joom

O' dear friends

let us learn

Joom Joom Joom

Joom Joom Joom Joom

Joom Joom Joom

Joom Joom Joom Joom

O' dear friends

let us learn

I say NO

to stranger person

Joom Joom Joom

Joom Joom Joom Joom

Joom Joom Joom

Joom Joom Joom Joom

if someone

touches me

I say NO and

loudly complain

Joom Joom Joom

Joom Joom Joom Joom

Joom Joom Joom

Joom Joom Joom Joom

I seek help

from trusted adults

to my parents,

I freely inform

I seek help

from trusted adults

to my parents,

I freely inform



I say NO and

loudly complain

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